2023 Annual Town Hall

2023 January Town Hall


  • Video  available now for your viewing pleasure.  Passcode: N7*=Exa+

  • Q & A  available now for your reading pleasure


This year's Town Hall registration count: just shy of 200....with 135 unique viewers .

  • 46 questions were lobbed to by PPNA's president Stan Weisner to our 5 primary panelists and their 7 high-ranking staffers

  • Another 25 questions were answered online during the program (click on Q&A link above)

  • Of the 57 people who answered our closing survey, "This was a good use of my time":   50 agreed or strongly agreed ; 7 were neutral and no one disagreed.

We reduced the topics and speakers from our normal format in order to allow more audience engagement and more in-depth discussion.  We are planning a second Town Hall in the spring to cover fire prevention, emergency preparedness and utility undergrounding. Stay tuned.

We had one very avid viewer:  


2022 annual Town Hall

We had a glitch in the recording of our where the welcoming comments and Mayor Schaaf's Keynote disappeared.  You can view most of the meeting here:  2022 Annual Meeting Webinar: View here  

And you can pick up most of the Mayor's comments by going to YouTube, Mayors Office Oakland and watch her February 10, 2022 Oakland Town Hall.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

Annual Community Meetings

Piedmont Pines hosts its Annual Community Meeting late January or early February. We are proud to be a consistent draw for over 200 of our residents and to lure such dignitaries as the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Mayor, District 4 Councilmember and more. Check out our agendas and meeting notes from past years to see the meaty topics we address.


2022 Annual Meeting Webinar: View here

2021 Annual Meeting Webinar: View here


2020 Annual Meeting agenda and notes


2019 Annual Meeting agenda and notes

2017 Annual Meeting agenda and notes

2016 Annual Meeting agenda

2015 Annual Meeting agenda

2014, 2013 Annual Meeting agendas