PPNA's Strategic Plan
In 2004, PPNA held a community forum to write our first-ever strategic plan in order to transform the association from a reactive to a highly effective, proactive organization. The Board of Directors has tweaked the plan a few times to reflect current issues and trends, but for the most part, the vision, strategies and plans created by forum participants have stood the test of time.
[Click on the blue links for more detail]
Goals and Tasks
Maintain effective channels to keep residents informed, learn about their concerns, produce value for members, and to sustain a strong and active association
- Website
- Monthly e-newsletter and as-needed e-blasts
- Annual community meeting and as-needed forums
- Liaison role on related local committees/councils (e.g., Montclair Neighborhood Council, Friends of Sausal Creek)
- Occasional mailers to reach those without email contact
- Telephone blasts
- Listservs, such as Nextdoor and group mail lists
- E-surveys
Community Advocacy
Maintain Civic Partnerships
- Maintain strong relationships with public officials and staff and keep them informed of issues and concerns within our neighborhood
- Track and advocate for issues raised by residents and facilitate resolution. Key areas of focus include schools, crime prevention, parking and traffic safety, zoning reviews and infrastructure issues
- Review City policies, budgets and financial practices (e.g. bond measures, special assessments) to protect the interests of our community
- Inform residents of news, concerns and issues throughout the City that may impact them, and provide guidance on how they can become involved
Manage Utility Undergrounding
- Provide leadership to ensure that the City and utilities maintain previous commitments to undergrounding
- Advocate for the inclusion of wildfire risk and earthquake preparedness as key reasons for undergrounding utilities
- Coordinate with the City and utilities to keep planning and construction on track for all three phases
- Manage communication between residents, the City and the utilities
- Resolve roadblocks and respond to residents' concerns as they arise
- Educate and engage the community for all three phases
Montclair Organized Neighborhoods (MONs)
Lead, encourage and support organizing 100% of Piedmont Pines neighborhoods in order to better respond to emergencies, protect against crime and boost community engagement
Organize and Support MONs (learn more here)
- Recruit and support new neighborhood leaders
- Maintain a MON map and an inventory of their leaders
- Encourage MONs to move up the ladder of skills and capabilities
Prepare for emergencies (learn more here)
- Promote and support emergency preparedness training (CORE) and drills
Prevent crime (learn more here)
- Produce and publicize neighborhood security handbook
- Encourage MONs to maintain effective and active listservs for reporting crimes and suspicious behavior
- Motivate participation in National Night Out (August) to heighten awareness of crime prevention and acquaint themselves with their neighbors
- Maintain liaisons with Montclair Neighborhood Council and Oakland Police Department to promote faster responses
- Educate residents about the importance of filing crime reports for tracking/trending so OPD resources will be equitably allocated
- Keep residents aware of channels available for crime tracking and statistics
- Inform residents of crime trends and prevention techniques
Community Engagement
Conduct forums for neighborhood leaders to share tips and experiences in getting and keeping their neighbors engaged and safe
- Encourage participation in National Night Out
Fire Safety and Prevention; Vegetation Management
- Reduce fuel load in PPNA's open spaces
- Advocate for vegetation management planning and implementation in public spaces
- Partner with the Oakland Firesafe Council to promote sound policies and encourage passage of assessment district ballot measures and prevention plans
- Promote year-round compliance with inspection standards; keep community informed of fire safety, and prevention practices and standards
- Promote pruning and removal of hazardous trees that could cause personal or property damage
- Sponsor debris boxes on Earth Day and Creek to Bay Day for fuel reduction in open spaces and on private property
Beautification and Preservation of Natural Resources
- Support and promote efforts to preserve the natural environment
- Promote work parties at Marjorie Saunders Park, Beaconsfield Canyon and Castle Canyon to maintain our adopt-a-spots, parks, preserves and open spaces (see calendar for work days)
- Collaborate with organizations, such as school groups, Friends of Sausal Creek, to promote drought tolerant gardens and preserve our natural resources
- Partner with Montclair Village Association to dress up the Mountain Boulevard gateway to Piedmont Pines
- Promote and protect watershed health
- Promote work parties at Marjorie Saunders Park, Beaconsfield Canyon and Castle Canyon to maintain our adopt-a-spots, parks, preserves and open spaces (see calendar for work days)
- Collaborate with organizations, such as school groups, Friends of Sausal Creek, to promote drought tolerant gardens and preserve our natural resources
- Partner with Montclair Village Association to dress up the Mountain Boulevard gateway to Piedmont Pines
- Promote and protect watershed health
Community Partnerships
Collaborate on mutual interests with community partners, such as schools, Friends of Sausal Creek, Friends of Joaquin Miller Park, East Bay Regional Park, nearby neighborhood associations, Montclair Neighborhood Council, Cub Scouts, and Hillside Gardeners.
Support our public schools (learn more here)
- Encourage residents to volunteer at schools and participate in fundraisers
- Communicate schools' needs for community support and publicize school activities
- Promote sound traffic safety and traffic management strategies for school drop off and pick up events
- Support school initiatives to improve and maintain their grounds