Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Resources
- AirNow This EPA site can tell you your local Air Quality Index (AQI). You can then consult the Air Quality Health Index for more information about health actions to take during wildfires.
- Spare the Air – Five Day Forecast Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Forecasting site shows the five-day forecast and information about Air Quality Advisories in the Bay Area.
- Respiratory Protection The most effective way to limit exposure is to reduce time outdoors. If you need to spend time outdoors, you can read this fact sheet to find information about N95 mask and respirator use.
- SmokeSense This app, developed by EPA, allows you to see fire location, monitoring location and predicted smoke behavior. It also allows you to input your own observations about smoke and health. Look for the app in the GooglePlay Store or the App Store.
- California Smoke Information (California Fires only) This is a blog where smoke information is posted. You’ll see daily wildfire-related air quality forecasts there if they are being generated. It’s a good resource to make sure you are aware of local conditions.
- Air Cleaners and Air Filters in the Home Information about HVAC and HEPA Filters, including information about if your HVAC system is effective in reducing wildfire smoke:
- Smoke Ready Toolbox EPA has developed this new repository of wildfire smoke materials and tools. Of note: There are new factsheets on smoke exposure topics that can easily be printed.
- Wildfire Smoke: A Guide for Public Health Officials If you would like to read more in depth about wildfire smoke topics, this guide provides in-depth information.
- Windy.com shows surface wind patterns and speeds in different areas.
Emergency preparedness
- Oakland Firesafe Council: https://oaklandfiresafecouncil.org
- OCP&R: https://www.oaklandcpandr.org (www.cpandr.org)
- Oakland Hazard Map: https://www.oaklandca.gov/topics/2021-local-hazard-mitigation-plan
- AC Alert: https://www.acgov.org/emergencysite
- GENOAK 2-way radio: https://www.genoak.org
- Zonehaven: https://community.zonehaven.com
- OCP&R Guides: https://www.oaklandcpandr.org/guides/
- CERT training: https://www.oaklandca.gov/topics/oaklandcert
- Listos CA: https://www.listoscalifornia.org/disaster-preparedness/
- Ready.gov: https://www.ready.gov/
- PG&E: https://www.pge.com
- EMSD: https://www.oaklandca.gov/departments/fire#emergency-management-services-division
City Ordinances and Civic Contacts
- Abandoned Autos (abandoned vehicles on the public street after 3 days)
(510) 777-8622 (report abandoned vehicles parked on the street for over 72 hours) - AC Transit
Dial 511; then say "AC Transit"; then say "Customer Relations" (maintenance, complaints, etc.) - Alameda County Public Works - Creek/Drainage Maintenance
(510) 670-5500 (creek flooding, overgrown vegetation, illegal dumping, graffiti)
Email: info@acpwa.org - Animal Control
(510) 535-5602 (live animals)
(510) 535-4888 (dead animals) - AT&T Graffitti removal requests can be sent to repair@att.com
- Building Services (construct an addition, build a new home or renovate an existing building)
- CalTrans (freeway, on & off ramps, signs, weeds, graffiti, illegal dumping, homeless encampments)
(415) 330-6500 (graffiti on signs, striping, electrical issues)
(510) 614-5942 (illegal dumping, pot holes, homeless encampment, overgrown vegetation) - City calendar, committee meetings, agendas
- Code Enforcement (blighted private properties, deteriorated buildings, inoperable vehicles on private property)
(510) 238-3381
Email: inspectioncounter@oaklandnet.com - Construction and other noise
- EBMUD East Bay Municipal Utilities District
(866) 403-2683 (fire hydrants, clear water leaks, flooding, graffiti)
Email: custsvc@ebmud.com - Fire/Hazardous Materials (HazMat)
(510) 444-3322 - Household Hazardous Waste
(800) 606-6606
Email: bill.pollock@acgov.org - Noise ordinance
- OPR Oakland Parks & Recreation (recreation issues, not facility-related)
(510) 238-7275 - OUSD Oakland Unified School District (trash, debris, illegal dumping, graffiti, defective signs)
(510) 535-2718 or 2719 (buildings, grounds, grafitti & any issues on grounds) - Parking Citations
Click on Parking Matters for Oakland's website on all things related to parking on City streets.
(800) 500-6484 (parking citation assistance center, pay or appeal a citation, residential parking permits)
(510) 238-3099 (enforcement)
(510) 238-6631 (meter repair & meter collection) - PG&E Pacific, Gas & Electric (power outages, high voltage & tree limb interference)
(800) 743-5000 (maintenance & emergencies, gas le ask, downed power lines, etc.) - Police
- Port of Oakland (overgrown weeds, litter, homeless encampments)
(510) 627-1415 (general maintenance, non-emergencies, overgrown weeds, litter, homeless encampment, grafitti)
(510) 563-3300 or (510) 563-3360 (Oakland International Airport; Airport Operations Center) Emergencies 24/7 - Recreation Centers
- Recycling LOTS of stuff, including mattresses. Keep our streets clean
- Regional Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Program
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is spearheading an effort to keep the Bay clean. The EPA and RWQCB are requiring the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), six East Bay cities, and one sewer district to fix old, cracked sanitary sewer pipes to ensure they don't allow the infiltration of rainwater which can overwhelm wastewater treatment facilities, resulting in untreated or partially treated sewage being released into the Bay. As a result, EBMUD and its partners are phasing in a Regional Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Ordinance in some east bay communities. Affected property owners will be required to obtain a certificate from EBMUD indicating that their PSLs are without defects and have proper connections. Follow the link to EBMUD's website for the requirements on the East Bay Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program. - Streets - 5-Year Pavement Schedule
- Streets - Street Maintenance Fact Sheet
- Streets - Pavement Condition Letter
- Trees - Plant Your Own Tree Form
- Trees - Prune Your Own Tree Guidelines
- Alameda County Vector Control (rat or rodent infestations) (510) 567-6800 Email: ehvector1@acgov.org
- Waste Management of Alameda County (510) 613-8710 (residential missed pick-up, driver complaints, bulky-waste pickups) Email: oakrrservices@wm.com