Are you ready for an emergency? 

  • The 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 collapsed the double-deck Cypress Street Viaduct, of the portion of the Nimitz Freeway, which had divided West Oakland. The collapse killed 42 people, and the earthquake damaged unreinforced masonry buildings and rendered 5,000 residents of single-occupancy buildings homeless. ·        
  • The 1991 Oakland Hills firestorm destroyed 2.5 square miles of mostly residential neighborhoods. Spread by gusting winds through heavily vegetated valleys, the fire destroyed 3,469 homes and apartment units, killed 25 people, and injured 150.

Since then:

  • PPNA has organized itself into 27 Montclair Organized Neighborhoods (MONs) to bring preparedness to an ultra-local level. Learn more here
  • PPNA's maintains a strong partnership with Oakland Firesafe Council, an Oakland non-profit dedicated to mobilizing communities to reduce the risks of disasters to people and property through outreach, programs, and projects. OFC has worked tirelessly to make our homes in the hills safer and more resilient. They have produced guides, workshops and forums to inspire our preparedness at the highest degree.  Visit their'll be awed by all the information available there.
    • OFC also boosts community awareness through regular newsletters (subscribe here).
    • On September 28, 2023, 36 PPNA'rs gathered to learn more about how to protect and prepare their homes, families and neighborhoods for an extreme emergency.  Click on the link below for an overview of what was covered.


Here's a handy list of links for emergency preparedness and training

CORE IS BACK!    With new training 

The City of Oakland Emergency Management Services Division (EMSD) has given new life to community preparedness, training and education programs.


As it relates to the City of Oakland, Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies [CORE] is its umbrella program and Community Emergency Response Team [CERT] is its training curriculum. Oakland CERT Training is available free of charge, for teens and adults.